Mindful catering
At the heart of our approach to responsible sourcing lies our commitment to animal welfare and sustainable practices. Here are a few of the ways we put this into action:
Animal welfare
We work with our procurement team to make sure our suppliers follow the five freedoms of animal welfare.

Sustainable seafood
We avoid serving endangered fish or seafood, and all our tuna is sustainably sourced using pole and line fishing.

Local sourcing
66% of our ingredients are UK-sourced, and we ensure that all our vegetables come from local UK growers and manufacturers when in season.

Cage-free eggs
100% of our eggs are UK sourced & cage free and we are also committed to meeting the Better Chicken Commitment by 2026.

Protecting forests
We aim to achieve zero deforestation in all our linked commodity products, such as oils, by 2025.

Have we piqued your appetite?
We’d love to discuss how our catering solutions can help you save time, labour and minimise waste.